
Professionals with a personal investment

SCI Ventures merges expertise in neuroscience, emerging technologies, and successful company development. Our greatest strengths lie in our expansive global network and personal commitment to our shared purpose.

Investment Team

Adrien Cohen

Founding Managing Director,
Board & Investment Committee Member

Roman Rothaermel, PhD

Investment Principal
Biotech Operator, PhD Neuroscience University of Oxford

Board of Directors

Ian Curtis

Board Member, ISRT and Reeve Foundation
Chairman, HPC plc, Former PwC Partner

Tom Londres

Board Member, Reeve Foundation
CEO, Metro Commercial, Inc.

Deborah Backus, PhD

Vice President Research & Innovation, Shepherd Center,
Director of Virginia C. Crawford Research Institute

Peter Luckeneder

Global CFO Wings for Life

Investment Committee

Our investment committee is comprised of highly experienced investment professionals with sector expertise. All investment decisions are made following an in-depth commercial and scientific diligence process.

Jean Baptiste Wautier

Chair of Investment Committee
Ex Chief Investment Officer BC Partners

Willie Watt

Chair of the Scottish National Investment Bank
Ex Managing Director 3i

Eric Persson

Vice Chair Promobilia Foundation
Ex CEO of Novax & leading positions at Axel Johnson/Nordstjernan

Fotis Hasiotis

Ex Managing Director Jefferies, Lazard, Merrill Lynch
Ex Global Co-Head of Financial Sponsors

Scientific Advisory Council

Our advisory council is made up of leading multidisciplinary experts in spinal cord injury R&D. At the frontline of academic research, they inform our strategy with the latest findings.

Murray Blackmore, PhD 

Professor Marquette University
Leader in nerve regeneration & genetic control

Rob Brownstone, MD, PhD

Professor of Neurosurgery, Brain Research UK
Head of the Division of Neurosurgery UCL

Edelle Field-Fote, PhD

Director, Spinal Cord Injury Research, Shepherd Center 
Professor, Emory University School of Medicine, Division of Physical Therapy  
Professor of the Practice, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biological Sciences 

Chet Moritz, PhD

Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Washington,
Co-Director, Center for Neurotechnology

Phil Horner, PhD

Professor of Neuroregeneration
Director, Center for Neuroregeneration at Houston Methodist

Armin Curt, MD, PhD

Professor for Paraplegiology, University of Zurich,
Chief and Director Spinal Cord Injury Center