
Mouthpad interface for hands-free human-computer interaction

Augmental has developed the MouthPad^: an in-mouth interface for hands-free human-computer interaction. The technology gives people living with paralysis their independence back. It is already being used in early-access mode and partnerships for distribution are underway.


How they’re delivering breakthroughs

  • This mouth-pad enables users to control smartphones, tablets, computers, and other devices using their tongue, jaw, head, and breath. It is connected to other devices via bluetooth

How they’re making a difference

  • Users living with paralysis report a profound impact on their life in terms of regaining independence and autonomy in their day-to-day activities
  • For millions of people living with stroke, spinal cord injury or neurodegenerative conditions

The people behind the innovation

Tomás Vega
Co-Founder & Engineer
Corten Singer
Co-Founder & Engineer

Learn more about Augmental

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